If you don’t need anything else, you just want to check the company background of your supplier candidate with us in the Chinese company database qcc.com and shuidi.com (with our VIP subscription), then you have the opportunity to do that as well. You can request and analyze the background of a maximum of 3 companies with us for free in one check. Checking each additional company is $20.
We look forward to receiving your order at xuzhou@dodoexport.com.
Supplier market research (sourcing) means finding the right manufacturer. In the “normal” case, we are either looking for a wholesaler of products in stock, or it could be own-brand products and manufacturing: but ODM, i.e. private label / white label. The turnaround time for sourcing is 3-4 weeks after the payment of the order. In the case of sourcing, the result of fulfilling the pre-specified needs (finding the right manufacturer for any special direction) is not guaranteed! This is one of the most time-consuming tasks in a procurement and consumes a lot of energy. We developed our DODO catalog product to replace this.
Stress-free procurement of goods from China, entrusted to professionals, so that you really get what you ordered!
We manage your Chinese imports by minimizing the risks, taking care of all the administration for you and paying attention to important details that you wouldn’t even think about.
Do you know the product, do you already have the selected manufacturer?
Did you even manage to bargain?
However, would you rather take the risk and make sure that all the details of the purchase are done correctly?
Would you like to know that legally everything fits, that the Chinese manufacturer is not cheating, that the shipment is in safe hands, that customs clearance will take place without any problems?
Just because you found a nice/sympathetic supplier on Alibaba, whose product looks good in the pictures, doesn’t mean that the whole process is like ordering something from a webshop! It’s much more complex and you can slip on a lot more banana peels.
Is communication with outsiders difficult?
Don’t understand exactly what you want?
Did you quote a more expensive shipping fee than the price of the product itself?
You have no idea how the delivery and customs will take place?
We have a solution for everything!
No tricks!
You actually get what you ordered. There will be no sand in the telephone box, no rubber ducks from the technical article, etc. With our methods, the manufacturer practically cannot deceive us.
On the one hand, we select the most obvious solutions for your Chinese procurement, and on the other hand, we manage the entire import process for you.
What are the 10+1 points we help with?
Click on the small logos to read more information about each point!
We contribute to the best possible implementation of your purchase as follows:
A beszállĂtĂłd cĂ©ges háttĂ©rĂ©nek ellenĹ‘rzĂ©sĂ©ve megbizonyosodunk a kiszemelt gyártĂł megbĂzhatĂłságárĂłl, illetve leellenĹ‘rizzĂĽk a gyártĂł által biztosĂtott certifikátok valĂłdiságát Ă©s Ă©rvĂ©nyessĂ©gĂ©t. VIP elĹ‘fizetĂ©sĂĽnk van a qcc.com-ra, ami lĂ©nyegĂ©ben a kĂnai opten/bisnode. Hogyha nagy baj van egy gyártĂł cĂ©ggel, az itt egybĹ‘l kiugrik, illetve az is, hogyha nagy mĂşltĂş megbĂzhatĂł cĂ©g.
Helyes VTSZ meghatározása avagy betarifálás. A kĂnai által adott HS kĂłdot igazságĂĽgyi vámszakĂ©rtĹ‘vel megvizsgáljuk Ă©s meghatározzuk, hogy az EU-s Taric rendszerben a termĂ©k hova tartozik, Ă©s kiderĂtjĂĽk 99% pontossággal, hogy melyik VTSZ alatt megy majd át a NAV rendszerĂ©n.
90-95% pontossággal meg tudjuk határozni a beszerzĂ©s teljes anyagi vonzatát. Olyan is van, hogy 100% pontossággal, de nem mindig, a szállĂtási dĂjak változását van, hogy nem tudjuk elĹ‘re meghatározni (tengeri szállĂtásnál kĂ©t hetente, lĂ©gi szállĂtásnál hetente Ăşj dĂjak vannak).
KĂĽlön igĂ©ny esetĂ©n kĂnai (kinti) kollĂ©gánk szemĂ©lyesen megy, Ă©s a
saját szemĂ©vel meggyĹ‘zĹ‘dik rĂłla, hogy Ă©lĹ‘ben hogyan is fest a gyártĂłd Ă©s a termĂ©ked. Online videĂłhĂvás keretĂ©ben innen BudapestrĹ‘l adjuk neki az általad meghatározott instrukciĂłkat, sĹ‘t, hogyha szeretnĂ©l, Te is rĂ©szt vehetsz a videĂłhĂvásban, hogy Ă©lĹ‘ben lásd az esemĂ©nyeket. (Hogyha nem, akkor kapsz rĂłla egy összesĂtĹ‘t kĂ©pekkel, videĂłkkal Ă©s szöveges összefoglalĂłval).
Amennyiben a terméked nem túl nagy méretű/nagyon nehéz, úgy minden éles rendelés előtt k̶ö̶t̶e̶l̶e̶z̶ő̶ erősen ajánlott termékmintát rendelni.
Hiába szép a termék a képeken, jobb azt kézbefogni, derülhetnek ki rejtett hibák. Menedzseljük a termékminta rendelésedet is expresszel (DHL, FedEx, TNT) és természetesen intézzük a vámkezelését.
Avagy a Sales Contract elkĂ©szĂtĂ©se, szĂĽksĂ©g esetĂ©n kĂnai nyelven
is + beszerzĂ©ssel kapcsolatos rĂ©szletek leegyeztetĂ©se WeChat-en real time a gyártĂłddal. Reggel 6 kor kezdĂĽnk az idĹ‘eltolĂłdás miatt (KĂnában 6 Ăłrával kĂ©sĹ‘bb van), hogy valĂłs idĹ‘ben tudjunk egyeztetni mindent a kintiekkel direkt kommunikáciĂłban, ami jĂłval hatákonyabb Ă©s gyorsabb, mint az e-mailezĂ©s. MĂ©g egy gondolat a szerzĹ‘dĂ©srĹ‘l: ezt 10 bĹ‘l 9 importĹ‘r kihagyja, merthogy Ăşgysem Ă©rdemes kĂnai bĂrĂłságon kĂnai cĂ©gnek nekimenni. Nos, ez egyrĂ©szt Ăgy nem igaz, (van kinti ĂĽgyvĂ©dĂĽnk), másrĂ©szt a szerzĹ‘dĂ©snek van egy erĹ‘s lĂ©lektani hatása, Ă©s jĂłval fegyelmezettebbek a gyártĂłk az aláĂrás után.
Hova utalj, hogyan utalj, avagy mi vagyunk az importőr és
nekĂĽnk utalsz magyar bankszámlára forintban – több verziĂł is lehet, a lĂ©nyeg hogy nem maradsz kettesben egy kĂnai (vagy hong-kong-i, esetleg szingapĂşri) bankszámlával. Ja, Ă©s biztosan fogsz kapni számlát, Ăşgyhogy a NAV sem rĂşgja majd rád az ajtĂłt (viccelĂĽnk :)).
Bizonyos fix idĹ‘közönkĂ©nt rákoppintunk a kintiek orrára, hogy jelentsenek: hogyan állnak a gyártással, továbbá proof-okat kĂ©rĂĽnk be. Tehát nem csak fizetĂĽnk egy elĹ‘leget, Ă©s el van engedve a kezĂĽk, hanem folyamatos kontroll van. EgyĂ©bkĂ©nt, mĂ©g Ăgy is vannak kĂ©sĂ©sek a koronavĂrus megjelenĂ©se Ăłta, de amit lehet, azt kihozzuk belĹ‘le.
Ă–sszevetjĂĽk az egyes szállĂtási mĂłdokat a beszerzĂ©sedre vetĂtve (tengeri, vasĂşti, lĂ©gi), Ă©s közösen kiválasztjuk a legjobbat. MegversenyeztetjĂĽk
a legjobb szállĂtmányozĂł cĂ©geket, Ă©s termĂ©szetesen szervezzĂĽk a komplett szállĂtási folyamatot. LĂ©giben nagyon jĂł áraink vannak, a tengeri/vasĂşti szállĂtásban sajnos nagy csodák nincsenek, viszont hogyha befĂ©r az árud valamelyik full kontĂ©neres szállĂtmányunkba, akkor full kontĂ©ner köbmĂ©ter ár közelĂ©ben tudunk hozni neked gyűjtĹ‘s árut, Ăşgyhogy azĂ©rt elĹ‘fordul, hogy itt is tudunk spĂłrolni. SzállĂtmánybiztosĂtás: mindig, mindig, mindig kötĂĽnk!
MegkötjĂĽk a szerzĹ‘dĂ©st a vámĂĽgynöksĂ©g Ă©s közted, intĂ©zzĂĽk a papĂrmunkát Ă©s ellátunk minden adminisztráciĂłs feladatot. Csupán aláĂrnod kell papĂrokat. Avagy mĂ©g azt sem, hogyha mi vagyunk az importĹ‘rĹ‘k – ez megegyezĂ©s kĂ©rdĂ©se. Vámszemle esetĂ©n megyĂĽnk, eljárunk a helyedben. Ami mĂ©g elĹ‘nyĂĽnk – kĂ©t nagyon gyors vámĂĽgynöksĂ©ggel dolgozunk, a legtöbbször egy dĂ©lután alatt megvan a vámkezelĂ©s.
Amit lehet, azt kihozzuk a garanciális lehetĹ‘sĂ©gekbĹ‘l, illetve segĂtĂĽnk az esetleges szállĂtmánybiztosĂtási ĂĽgyintĂ©zĂ©snĂ©l is, de azĂ©rt ne hasonlĂtsuk a kĂnai garanciát Ă©s annak az ĂĽgyintĂ©zĂ©sĂ©t az eurĂłpaihoz! Nyűgösebb,
nehĂ©zkesebb, drágább (szállĂtás), ezt bele kell kalkulálni a haszonba!
Az egĂ©sz folyamat alatt feltĂ©rkĂ©pezzĂĽk a lehetsĂ©ges rizikĂł faktorokat, annyira sok szituáciĂłban voltunk már, hogy sokszor messzirĹ‘l látszik, mik a potenciális veszĂ©lyforrások – ezeket igyekszĂĽnk elkerĂĽlni, elhárĂtani, ellehetetlenĂteni. Ez nem azt jelenti, hogy akkor sĂ©tagalopp minden beszerzĂ©s, de a visszajelzĂ©sek alapján már rövid távon is jĂłval zökkenĹ‘mentesebb velĂĽnk, mint nĂ©lkĂĽlĂĽnk.
Amennyiben mi vagyunk az importĹ‘r, Ăşgy a termĂ©ked csomagolása után mi valljuk be Ă©s fizetjĂĽk ki a környezetvĂ©delmi termĂ©kdĂjat, Ă©s ezzel sem lesz gondod!
By checking the company background of your supplier, we make sure of the reliability of the selected manufacturer, and check the authenticity and validity of the certificates provided by the manufacturer. We have a VIP subscription to qcc.com, which is essentially the Hoovers of China. If there is a big problem with a manufacturing company, it immediately jumps out here, as well as if it is a reliable company with a long history.
Determining the correct HS code or entering tariffs. We examine the HS code given by the Chinese with a forensic customs expert and determine where the product belongs in the EU's Taric system, and we find out with 99% accuracy under which code it will pass through the EU's customs system.
We can determine the total financial impact of the purchase with 90-95% accuracy. It is also the case that, with 100% accuracy, but not always, there are changes in shipping fees that we cannot determine in advance (for sea shipping, there are new fees every two weeks, for air shipping every week).
If there is a special request, our Chinese colleague will go personally and a he will see with his own eyes how your manufacturer and product paint in real life. In the framework of an online video call, we will give him the instructions you specify from here in Budapest, and if you wish, you can also participate in the video call to see the events live. (If not, you will receive a summary with pictures, videos and a text summary).
If your product is not too large/very heavy, it is strongly recommended to order a product sample before any direct order. Although the product looks beautiful in the pictures, it is better to hold it in hand, hidden defects may be revealed. We also manage your product sample order by express (DHL, FedEx, TNT) and, of course, handle customs clearance.
Or the preparation of the Sales Contract, if necessary in Chinese + coordinating procurement-related details on WeChat in real time with your manufacturer. One more thought about the contract: 9 out of 10 importers skip this, because it is not worth going after a Chinese company in a Chinese court anyway. Well, on the one hand, this is not true (we have a lawyer outside), and on the other hand, the contract has a strong psychological effect, and manufacturers are much more disciplined after signing it.
At certain fixed intervals, we tap the noses of those outside to report: how they are doing with production, and we also request proofs. So we don't just pay an advance and they are free, but there is continuous control. By the way, there are still delays since the appearance of the coronavirus, but we will make the best of it.
We will compare the individual shipping methods for your purchase (sea, rail, air) and together we will choose the best one. We will make you compete the best shipping companies, and of course we organize the complete shipping process. We have very good prices by air, unfortunately there are no great miracles in sea/rail transport, but if your goods fit into one of our full container shipments, we can bring you bulk goods close to the price of a full container cubic meter, so it happens that we can save here as well. Shipping insurance: we always, always, always!
We conclude the contract between the customs agency and you, handle the paperwork and handle all administrative tasks. You just have to sign papers. In case of customs inspection, we will go and act in your place. What is our advantage – we work with fast customs agencies, most of the time the customs clearance is completed in an afternoon.
We will make the most of the warranty options, and we will also help with possible shipment insurance administration, but let's not compare the Chinese guarantee and its administration to the European one! More annoying more difficult, more expensive (delivery), this must be calculated in the profit!
During the entire process, we map the possible risk factors. We have been in so many situations that the potential sources of danger can often be seen from afar - we try to avoid, avert, and make them impossible. This does not mean that all purchases will be a breeze, but based on the feedback, even in the short term, it is much smoother with us than without us.
Is there really so much to pay attention to here? Yes, that is why it is a more rational decision to entrust the complete process to an experienced team.
Sourcing in China rarely works without problems
With an experienced professional background, however, there will always be an obvious solution.
By working with us, you can entrust us with the tasks of managing the delivery; we solve the administrative tasks of customs clearance; we fix the problems that arise on the way for you; we save you valuable time and unwanted expenses; and you can be calm throughout, because your purchase will be in safe hands.
How is joint work structured?
You can take the first step using the form at the bottom of the page, and we will search in the form you requested.
We start by assessing the needs, and then, if we both have the same ideas, we conclude a contract.
We carry out the import following the process listed above, while we keep you informed of developments.
It’s our hottest product. Why? What is this?
Let’s take a closer look: Which supplier is good? The answer is very simple: the one that has already been proven.
The DODO catalog is a product catalog compiled from 500+ selected products of Chinese manufacturers. The suppliers are not the suppliers of our active or former customers, but the suppliers of the following large companies (active or former): LIDL (DE), ALDI (DE), KMART (AU), JOHN LEWIS (UK)
In total, we can find the company names of nearly 3,000 Chinese manufacturers on the sources. We checked the background of these companies and contacted the 1,000 companies we considered to be the best (lowest risk). Of these, 513 were open to cooperation. The products of these selected suppliers are included in the DODO EXPORT catalogs in 19 categories.
The product categories are as follows (if you click on each word in the following list, you can open each catalogs):
If you want to see with your own eyes whether the given Chinese company is a manufacturer, and you are also interested in our professional opinion after the visit, we recommend this service.
Of course, we don’t just walk around the factory, we also perform so-called Quality Control (QC), so we test the sample products presented there, or even check the goods according to your needs before the balance payment.
During the visit, we try to establish a closer relationship with the manufacturer, we present your company based on the pre-agreed material, and we even bring them a gift at your request, so we really try to “sell” you to them.
During factory visits, in cases where the factories are very far from Xuzhou, well, in such cases, we use an external partner, who is none other than V-TRUST.
This is a very professional inspector company in Asia, we recommend it to you too, feel free to use them!
Your goods are already in production, you manage this part, but you should get them to your warehouse somehow. Well, we don’t have standard pricing for this, for more information and to request a quote just click here.
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